hehe,my dear maa-shu chyi did a very great job to be the emcee of Kit Teo Vocal Workshop at Utar.
i think that was her first time to be an emcee at her uni because she is lazy to take part of any uni activities since i knew her when foundation...
anyway,applause for my dearest maa.
Although there were some communication problems happened between those committee and people in charge,i still think that maa done her part for the whole event.she was steady enough during the interview section eventhough she kept "pour cold water"[cantonese] to what her ex-hubby(of course is Kit,her senior of LWS music school) said...
i think she couldn't recall what she did and said after the event...haha..
he still remembered her name,not bad what..
here are some pictures of the day,
Kit and his princess
interview section
see her blur face...
maa taller than her ex-hubby in this picture.=P
Group picture at the end
To Maa:Good try!Keep on going...
1 *cOmMenT fOr mUa*:
LOL!!!! what's with the sudden influx of posts!!! @@ hahaha...
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