Friday, August 6, 2010

Step forward or Stay still?

Should i just moving forward to another way that i not get used to?
Something that unknown is waiting for me?
Should i try something that new, tough, dangerous, challenge, and beyond me?
Something that supposed not in my plan?

Or should i just stay where i am, the place that is safe for me.
The place that is comfortable for myself
and yet I'm enjoy and happy with it right now.
It may be the place that i can stay for a long time.

Is this called dilemma?
Just because i wish to kill birds with one stone?
I know i shouldn't be greedy to wish for both.
Even though i know neither one will be the best choice,
just depends how i fit myself into em.

If i never get to know the challenge,
i will be regretted in future,i know.
My friends said: never try never know.
It changed my mind and really appreciate it.
So it's time for me to get to know more about something new.
No matter what's the result, at least i tried, i knew, and no regret.
Just do it,Crystal Bear Lim Li Chin.

0 *cOmMenT fOr mUa*: